Decorating the entrance to the house. 40 nice ideas | Modern Interior and Decor Ideas

If you live in a house, it’s possible that you devote a lot of time to the exterior design- everything, which is around your house, and of course to the garden. And maybe everything what you are doing for this or what you already designed, does not claim to the proud title of “Landscape Design” – however, you do it with love and inspiration, with some hope to be able to have a comfortable rest in your garden or backyard. 
We offer to pay your attention to the decoration of the entrance to the house. Its role is similar to the function of the hallway in apartment and the psychological impact is also similar to it. But, unlike the flat, here you have a much larger area to deal with and therefore more ideas are possible to be implemented.

In this collection you will find some ideas on arranging the entrance to the house, which are suggested by a decorator Candi Randolph.

You will see: – how to decorate the porch and walkways leading to the front door; – as a decor can be combined with the style of the house and garden; – cheap options decorating the entrance to the country house;

– couple of ideas for the terrace at the entrance to the house.

Let these ideas add comfort and individuality to your “little piece of Heaven” and the beauty that which surrounds it will be always cheerful! Do not miss some of our other gallery, where we describe in detail the design of the garden and other interesting gardening and easy landscape design solutions.

Here are some advices from Candi Randolph – 9 steps to create a beautiful entrance to the house:

1. Go through the gate in the direction of the house and think about what you notice first. In your field of view includes only nice looking sites or something desirable to be disguised? Maybe there are blank areas in which you can place beautiful elements? If you have limited space – think about vertical structures for weaving flowers, they decorate and mask simultaneously.

2. How decorated path leading to the front door? It is convenient and tidy? Is it possible by its state and decor to imagine what will appear ahead? If you like having guests – make the edges more luxuriantly (herbaceous border), and if you prefer solitude, – create semblance of plants gallery weaving overhead.

3. Estimate a condition of the main surfaces of your porch. Whether to repair the floor or paint the walls? Is your porch well protected from rain and scorching sun? If you are happy with the certain color – you may want to change the shade of the door or window frames.

4. Do not make your life complicated, thinking that the design of the interior and exterior are very different. Estimate the entrance to the house the way you would do it for an ordinary room. Do you have a “wall” (the outer wall of the house), ceiling (shed), floor (site and stage), all this can be decorated according to your favorite style and color scheme. The style can match the style of your home or cause association with another country, as long as you like it and implementation would be suitable for your climate.

5. If your porch has enough space – be sure to make a terrace, even in miniature. This space can be transformed into an oasis, even if it would have only one chair or bench + a few flower pots.

6. Purchasing garden furniture, look how well it can suite for your climate.

7. Take care of good lighting. You should have at least 3 focus areas: the gate (gate), the track (garden path), the front door. The rest is up to you, but if you plan to do a terrace, be sure that you will make for it at least 2 types of lighting – general and decorative.

8. Do not try to completely fill the terrace with seats, try to leave enough space for flowers and indoor plants, as well as for easy walk through. Even small containers of flowers can make a miracle and turn the porch into a cozy space. If you have a very small space available, try to find where to hang those flower containers. And do not waste your money on artificial greenery – here it is completely out of place, even if the claims to respectability of some kind.

9. Resist the temptation to leave the unnecessary stuff and other trash on your terrace, it’s time to throw it away or at least to move it to the garage and wait till the time where you will find a use for it. This zone, which is always in sight, it gives a picture of the house both for your guests and for you too, and anyway it effect on your own mood.

Decorating with flowers and greenery

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