How to choose a comfortable garden hammock for backyard. More than 40 examples | Modern Interior and Decor Ideas

Hammock is a wonderful invention of the inhabitants of the southern countries. Among the furniture and many accessories created for this purpose of having some relaxation, hammock is a leader in terms of compactness, portability and unusual sensations.

People say that this wonderful design first appeared in the jungles of South America. The Indians stretched such mesh net at a sufficient distance from the ground, so that during their sleep to be protected by the distance from the dangerous fauna, which is there in abundance. The Spanish conquerors borrowed this unusual design and its local name, and then for several centuries hammocks were successfully used on ships – for the team to have some rest.

Nowadays manufacturers of hammocks offer such variety of options, that it’s really easy to get lost in their range.

In this article you will see and know some interesting facts about hammocks and how hammocks are used in interior and in backyard: – what are modern hammocks made of and how different materials do “behave” in practice – how with the help of hammock you can emphasize favorite style and color accents in the garden – how to amplify a hammock for maximum comfort – what kind of hammock is suitable for garden area with a few trees

– right ways of hanging up the hammock

But we’ll start not with hammock garden ideas, but with a rather unusual use of the hammocks: using hammocks in the interior.

Hammocks in the interior of a house.

If you have enough space in the house and you are looking for an unusual relaxation solution, think about putting hammock in one of the rooms, the best place would probably be the attic. The best mounting location will be the exposed ceiling beams. If necessary, you can pick up a hammock and free up the space.

Options of hammocks for the garden and home

Standard hammocks usually have a width of 1.20-1.40 m, but sometimes can be produced up to 1.70 m wide. Hammocks without wooden slats (natural and synthetic) are better for people with low weight or children. Children’s hammocks are also produced nowadays. They are shorter than usual ones. By the way, do not forget to have a look into the specification of a maximum weight, which a hammock must withstand. It should of course be more that the persons weight.

Woven hammocks:

It is possible to find such hammocks, but probably will be not so easy. Such hammocks are usually used in hotels, which are specialized on sea side vacations. The main disadvantage of such hammocks is that a long stay in the grid can rub the skin. This is especially true for childrens sensitive skin. But of course this problem is easily solved with the help of rug or pillows.

Hammocks from fabric:

If the mesh surface of traditional hammock seems not so uncomfortable for you, you can get a tissue hammock. It is usually made from cotton, flax or synthetic fabric.

Hammocks which are made of natural material are eco-friendly, comfortable and soft for the body. But the main disadvantage is that they wear out more quickly in the open air, and the bright colors fade in the sun. It is also not always easy to remove mud or dirt from them. Synthetic hammock are easily cleaned, little deformed, but they are not very comfortable in the hot weather.

Leading manufacturers produce double-sided hammocks, one side – from natural linen, the other – from synthetic one. These models are pretty expensive, but the comfort, ease of care and durability compensate the expenses.

Exotic bright fabric hammocks:

Western vendors often call such hammocks as “Caribbean” or “Aruba”, because they remind bright tropical colors. If you want to attract attention to the hammock, and simultaneously provide a striking garden accent – such models are the right choice for your garden or backyard hammock.

White fabric hammocks for those who likes classics:

They are the typical attribute of expensive resorts and French gardens. Usually made from natural fibers, such hammocks are are simple and elegant.

Vintage style hammocks:

Plain white hammock becomes a retro pattern, if you add a handmade knitted or braided fringe. Do not forget to add a floral pillows and blankets to complete the experience.

Hammock cushions

Hammock stand

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