Hanging decorative wall shelves on rope DIY tutorial | Modern Interior and Decor Ideas

Are you familiar the situation when you look for some stylish untypical things for the interior, and you find out that either it is absolutely impossible to buy such in your town, or the price does not fit into the budget (in other words – too high)… I think that sometimes each and every one appears in such situation. Is there a way out? Well, we will not argue that absolutely any decor can be created using DIY method, but for some decorative options this method is quite real.

For example, have a look on these nice handing shelves. Such decoration option perfectly fits the colonial interior style of this living room, or also will be suitable for children’s room in eco style, Mediterranean resort styled bathroom. And, frankly speaking, it is absolutely easy to create. This will require some cheap materials and about 1 hour of free time.

For making decorative wall shelves on rope you will need:

  • wooden boards or ready shelves
  • paint for wood (preferably dark blue or chocolate brown) and a wide flat brush
  • thick twine of sisal or hemp, similar to marine rope about 2-3 cm in diameter, divided into two segments
  • thin wooden sticks for clips

Here’s the step by step DIY tutorial for making decorative wall shelves on rope:

  • step 1: drill holes in the shelves according to the thickness of your rope.
  • Step 2: paint the shelves in with the chosen color. Thread the rope into the wholes. Check the height, horizontal level and secure the free end of the rope with a large node.
  • Step 3: cur thin wooden sticks into short parts and thread into the rope under the shelves for locking each shelf in a tough position.
  • Step 4: suspend construction on a sturdy metal hook.
  • Step 5: arrange the sruff on your new nice looking decoration piece.

A nice option for the bathroom you will find in the bottom of this article. This idea can be successfully implement in your bathroom, and will be good for storing small items.

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial 1

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial

for hanging decorative wall shelves on rope you will need brush and colors

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial this kind of rope you will need

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial step 1

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial step 2

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial step 3

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial step 4

hanging decorative wall shelves on rope diy tutorial step 5

decorative wall shelves on rope

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