Favorite symbol of Christmas in Europe and America is Poinsettia Plant. Different from other indoor plants it is unusual in appearance and has a beautiful legend. In this gallery, we have gathered a few fantastic ideas on how to decorate the house for the New Year with this spectacular and popular plant. Here are 32 photos with ideas, tips andcomments.
The top of Poinsettia ( we are talking about the most unusual part of the plant) is the most colorful part of the plant (usually red). The red part is not flowers but leaves (for those who did not realize that). Poinsettia plant can be found in white , cream , pink and tricolor; although it is hard to find.
The story of Christmas Poinsettia
A beautiful legend tells of Mexican children Maria and Paolo, who went to celebrate the birth of Jesus. They were very poor and to bless Jesus they decided to find him a gift along the road… On the side of the road they saw a small green plant that was not out of ordinary, but there was not much to chose from, so they decided to take rather than to come empty-handed… There were a lot of people gathered for the feast. They all brought expensive and valuable gifts. Little brother and sister were ridiculed by what they brought, but as soon as the plant was brought near a cradle of Christ, a miracle happened: small puny plant was transformed into a luxurious beautiful flower…
This beautiful tradition of decorating the house with Poinsettia before Christmas nowadays reached almost all countries of the world. In large cities, you can spot it being sold from the end of November. You can either simply buy this beautiful plant and stick it somewhere in the house, or you can think about your environment and decore in the house and use it in a more spectacular way. That is what this is gallery is for – to help you figure out the better way to decorate your house using Poinsettia.
Christmas Decor – making Poinsettia Plant stand out:
– Poinsettia Plant looks best in pots of neutral color, that way the plant draws attention to the most important part – its upper leaves; – if the pots are white or silver colour, it is okay to use them as long as they are glossy or matte, and look in harmony with the overall style of the interior;
– If you chose to give Poinsettia as a gift – add a bow to a plant to make it look more charming