Swedish way of arranging small open balcony. Some fresh and nice ideas | Modern Interior and Decor Ideas

When the summer approaches, that is the time to think of how it will be nice to spend warm summer evenings on your own well-arranged and decorated balcony. You will not only have to though out all the garbage or not needed stuff from your balcony, but you will have to think about some minimal balcony finishing.
Sorry, not only balcony finishing but also some beautiful inspiring decor for balcony. Here we offer a few fresh ideas to design the balcony. But this time, the ideas are exclusively Swedish.

In addition to many interesting subjects, we also offer you a check-list to create this style. As for the purchasing of furniture and accessories, you can find such things in Ikea (if it is somewhere nearby), or look at other similar shops.

So what is so popular in Sweden for balcony decoration. How Swedish people usually arrange their balconies..
wooden floor balcony finishing (if your balcony is open, think about how to protect the wooden floor in winter);
lightweight garden furniture, often foldable (so you will be able to remove it for the winter, and also – for easy cleaning on the balcony), with wood and or metal elements, usually a couple of chairs + table;
– active use of the balcony railings for flower containers and compact suspended tables (if normal does not fit); – space on the perimeter of the balcony can often be decorated with large clay (tin) pots and wooden boxes with plants (or herbs), some of them have to be flourishing; – In addition to natural bright colors (flowers) Swedish people often add more color accents to their balconies. They use textile parts for that: cushions, removable seat chairs, blankets;

– the other two palettes for Swedish style balcony are not too bright. They are for lovers of brevity and eco-style: black and white, sometimes can be added a dark gray accent) and “Forest Fairy Tale” (only wooden parts + greens without colors)
– and a couple of items that are almost always present on the Swedish balconies and distinguish them from the more southern (1) small rug made of sheep or goat skin (white, gray or even black), it can be put under the feet or put on a chair, and (2) tin candle lantern for its soft light will give extra comfort in the evenings.

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